
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2020

English Language Challenges

When I had the first class of English in University I noticed that it wasn't so different of my classes in school so It was not difficut for me to understand and follow the rythm of the classes, in fact it helped me to "loosen my tongue", so to speak, because I wasn't too good speaking in english, mainly becase I get nervous when it comes to talking to other people. Thanks to this class I can now speak more fluently. The blog helped me to see what kind of mistakes do I make when I write in english, it also helps me to talk better when I have to. At school I already did something like a blog, the only difference was the platform I used and the topic of the weekly post, so it wasn't very difficult either. Even so, I think I shoul improve when I speak, to create coherent sentences or rather to say it correctly. I use English a lot in my daily life, mainly in songs but I also read in english, things like comics (manga, manhua & manhwas), I watch videos in english


  Well, there are a few chages that I would like to apply in my study programme First of all I'd like to change the annual subjects into semestral subjects. It is not something easy but if you fail a subject that is annual will delay you too much qith your career, and for the fact that university are very expensive it generates a problem. For the workload I think that teachers don't sympathize a lot with us, like they think that we have all the worlds time and don't see that we have other subjects, i'd like that they could be more empathetic in that terms. I think the infractusture in our faculty is good but there are things that I'd like them to improve. If we compare infrastructure among other faculties, ours is very poor. I'd like to have more places with grass to rest comfortably. About technology I think we can give it a better use, because at the beginning of online classes it was to dificult to adapt for the only thing that we don't use to much techno